Privacy Policy
Last updated: 12-02-2023
We care about your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. This privacy statement will inform you how we handle your personal data, your privacy rights and how the law protects you. Please read this privacy statement carefully before using our Services.

Who are we?
What data do we collect about you?
Why do we process your personal information?
How will we inform you about changes in our privacy statement?
Your right to request erasure
Communication and marketing
Who do we share your data with?
Where do we store your data and for how long?
Technical and organizational measures and processing security
Links to third-party websites

In this privacy statement:

Services mean any products, services, content, features, technologies, or functions, and all related websites, applications, and services offered to you by us.
Platform means the websites, mobile apps, mobile sites or other online properties through which we offer our Services.

Who are we? is an online platform where users can search and book various types of thrill-seeking activities and experiences.

What data do we collect about you?

Data provided through direct interactions

Registration and other account information

When you register to use our Services, we may collect the following information about you:

if you register using your Google account: first name, last name and email address;

if you register using your Facebook account: we collect first name and last name as appeared on your Facebook account and Facebook IDs. In the event you have provided permission to Facebook through their in-app privacy option (which appears just before you register on our Platform), we may collect your gender, age or email id depending on the permissions granted by you. ; and

If you signup using we collect your email address, picture, IP address, Geo Location depending on the choices you make during the log-in to our Services or during the process of engaging our Services, you may opt to give the following additional personal data:
your name;
e-mail address;
mobile number;

Communication through the chat feature on our Platform
When you use our chat feature to communicate with other users, we collect information that you choose to provide to other users through this feature.

Data we collect automatically when you use our Services
When you interact with our Platform or use our Services, we automatically collect the following information about you:

Device Information
We collect device-specific information such as operating system version, unique identifiers. For example, the name of the mobile network that you are using. We associate the device identifiers with your THRILLTOURISM.COM account.

Location information
Depending on your device permissions, if you search for activities on our Platform, we may collect and process information about your actual location. We use various technologies to determine location, including IP address, GPS, Wi-Fi access points and mobile towers. Your location data allows you to find activities near you and helps you in booking activities within your location. In case we need your location data we will first show you a pop-up which will ask you to choose to allow or not to allow us to access your location data. If you do not allow us to have access to your location data, you will still be able to use our Services but with limited functionality. If you do allow us to access your location data you can always change this later by going to the settings on our Website or App our Platform and disable the permissions related to location sharing.

Client and Log data
Technical details, including the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your device, time zone, and operating system. We will also store your login information (registration date, date of last password change, date of last successful login), type and version of your browser.

Clickstream data
We collect information about your activity on our Platform, which includes the sites from which you accessed our Platform, date